OH, but How to be Perceived on All hallows eve
BeWITCH-ing? Or BeDAZZLING? For All Hallows Eve.
1970s Coffee-to-Go: Percolator And A Thermos
That’s how it worked “back in my day,” as they say. Our version of coffee-to-go in the 1970s was a percolator and a thermos. And, I still have mine. Thermos, that is. Surprising, maybe? But not really, to those who know me.
Manifesting: Jeans, Shoes And A Bikini
Manifestation. It sounds terrible, right? Like a disease or invasion. But, in manifesting things, I’m pretty good and don’t even know what I’m doing. For example, in recent months, I’ve manifested a pair of designer jeans, some vintage shoes and a bikini, circa 1970s. All three I needed in the moment, so, were on my mind, obsessively