Fashion History
On The Road At The Brucemore Mansion
Ellen Douglas Williamson - Photo Copyright LKP
Please forgive the break in posts.
I've been a bit off the radar, traveling, visiting museums gathering fashion history and sifting through thrift shops for vintage finds. I'll be back later this month to fill you in on my latest adventures.
Until then, here’s a sneak peak at the Brucemore Mansion in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, where Ellen Douglas Williamson grew up. Her memoir, “When We Went First Class,” was so entertaining and filled with such wonderful fashion history that I couldn’t wait to tour her childhood home.
Her book has provided a font of knowledge for me on fashion history because she describes what she wore, how she lived and how she traveled from the 1920s through the 1970s. You’ll find her memories filtering through my exhibit in upcoming posts. And, while I was there, I got a special, inside look at the fashion archives. That, too, I’ll fill you in on, in coming months.
Needless to say, I was in my happy place.
Here’s the grand staircase. I couldn’t wait to run up the stairs. - Photo Copyright LKP
So, I did, and look at the fabulous light fixture I found at the top. - Photo Copyright LKP
Here’s the sneak peak on Ellen’s clothing, a 1920s kimono. FAB-u-lous! - Photo Copyright LKP