Golden Displays
Building the Exhibit: Latest Display Finds
A Mannequin. A Hat Rack. A Fireplace Caddy?
What on earth is this cast-iron yellow stand? A jewelry display? An umbrella holder? Or, how about, a fireplace caddy? That’s what I think. How about you? Any more ideas? (Take a closer look, below.)
Photos Copyright Leslie Kay Productions
July 28, 2022
By Leslie Drollinger Stratmoen
The set-up has begun. I’m in my new studio -- unpacking, staging and searching for display pieces for my exhibit. Surprisingly, enough, I still need the following – (sung now to the tune of “Twelve Days of Christmas”) -- four standing clothes hooks … three pedestal dress forms … two butler valets … and a Mod lamp from the nineteen-sixties.
Yes, I know. I could go out and buy display pieces, new, at the same time. But I ask you, what’s the fun in that? Besides, that’s not really my jam. I’m about the thrill of the hunt for vintage pieces that showcase my collection. And, news flash, here. I’m not independently wealthy. So, the bottom line is this. My display must be unique, yet affordable.
The Glowing Pink Pedestal.
The only way I can do that is by searching flea markets, antique stores and thrift shops for unusual pieces and parts. And, every once in a while, when I least expect it, the perfect thing just shows up. That describes my last three finds – a golden shell stand for my 1930s display, a gold hat rack for my 1970s and a golden-glowing dress form that’s pink-perfect for my ‘50s. Score! Score! And, Score!
Talk about being tickled pink! When I found that pink mannequin in my neighborhood flea market, I had to take a moment and just praise the universe. (Open hands to the heavens.)
“AAAHHHH!” I’m singing now.
There she was. And not just a typical white one. No, like I said, she was pink, and not just plain pink but floral and glowing from inside because she was electrified. Oh, my word, I nearly cried.
“THIS IS NUTS!” I exclaimed, out loud.
“I knew you’d like it,” said the owner.
Of course, she did. She’s been gathering special stuff for me since the on-set of this project just like she used to when I was costuming shows.
The Golden Shell Stand. Aaaah!
“Huuhh.” (I’m sighing, now.)
Okay. Enough of that. Moving on.
The golden shell stand was where it’s always been, displaying jewelry at a nearby antique store only this time it was for sale. And, I’m telling you, I snatched that piece so fast I looked like a competitor on one of those flea-market flip race-against-the-clock shows. Yes, I did. I swear.
And the hat rack? Well, that nearly fell on me as I pulled off a hat. It was then, and only then, I realized the gold filigree hooks on the mission-style base were domed on top for hats.
(Hands to face, now.)
“Yikes!” I whispered to myself. “This is incredible!”
(Dropped hands.)
“BUT, CRIPES!” I blurted out. “IS THIS FOR SALE?”
Yes, obviously, it was, and thankfully, the owner of the thrift shop didn’t jack-up the price after hearing my outburst. So, that was that.
Well, e-e-except for the fact the last find wasn’t a simple grab and go. It wouldn’t fit into my car. So, I did what I always do in such a fix. I gave a shout-out for a truck with muscle. (That means, I called my husband.) Actually, I really could have shouted because we live right down the street. But I wouldn’t do that? Would I? No, of course not. I’m much too genteel. Right?
The Domed Hat Rack. Awesome!
“Quiet in the peanut gallery!”
I used my cellphone.
“Hey, honey. I just bought this --- blah. And it’s too -- blah, blah. I need, blah, blah, blah.”
That’s really about how it goes, at this point. I don’t even need to explain. He just comes to my rescue, loads me up and carts me off to my happy place. Yes, that would be my new exhibit hall where all my old stuff now resides – like living, breathing things -- waiting for their stories to be told.
(Pause, for effect)
Isn’t that lovely?
And, yes, their stories will be told -- one by one -- little by little -- over time, until I get this damned (Oh, sorry, I meant darn) project finished. I’m determined, even though, it may take me -- the rest of my life.
“Oh, cripes! Did I say that out loud? Worse. Ya crazy, idjit. You put it in print.”