I’m Back
It’s been a few months, sorry to say, but life got in the way –
memories, melancholy and moving.
The Memories & Melancholy
April and May kind of mushed altogether with memories, both happy and sad, due to the anniversary of my son’s death and all of our birthdays -- mine, his, his son’s and my husband’s. Then, the melancholy set in and I had to fight off the terrible sadness that threatens to take over. Trips were my salvation, traveling to Iowa, twice, to see my daughter and grandkids. Such a joy.
Flappers to Fringe moves uptown, to Broadway.
The Move
Of my Store and Exhibit
And then I had the moving of all my stuff – the complete inventory for my store and exhibit, which numbers in the thousands, with all the clothing and accessories. My thought was to give up my studio/workshop space and set up everything in my house. Then my husband gave me a good talking to saying, “honey, it just won’t fit.!” And, I hate to say, he was right.
However, I’d already set the moving wheels in motion by telling my landlord I’d be out by July first. And he already had someone ready to move in. So, there I was – in a panic – calling every building owner I knew to see if anyone had a storage space. By this point, I’d already figured out a way to set up my walk-in closet as my store, but I needed a storage space for my exhibit.
Then, just by driving through town, the Masonic building caught my eye. It’s a typical big old square brick building on Main Street which I knew had beautiful woodwork. However, I had no idea who to call to find out if there were any office spaces inside.
Then, I remembered that my eye doctor’s office is on the main floor. So, I gave her a call. Her guy who fits the glasses said he didn’t know but would find out. Within minutes, he called back telling me I needed to call Otto. So, I called Otto, who was just a Masonic guy, and couldn’t help me, but said Darlene, the building manager, could. So, I called Darlene.
And, sure enough, she had an office available, three, in fact. So, I ran right over. As she showed me the rooms, I felt a bit like Goldilocks. The first was too small. The second, two big. But the third, just right. And, not just right, by the way, but fantastic! For, it’s so beautiful, with a front office and big beautiful windows that it’ll make the perfect exhibit hall for me to set the entire show up for the making of my video tour.
The move, indeed, was crazy. But we did it! (Me and my husband with our pickup.) And moving all my wardrobe trunks was a challenge, to say the least. A trunk, on hand truck held by my husband, barely fit into the elevator.
And somewhere in the middle of the moving project, we rescued a little Schneagle dog (that’s a miniature Schnauzer and Beagle mix). She’s a hand full -- a 2-year-old named, Honey. So, she was always in tow and chewing on everything she could get a hold of.
Honey Bun cuddling in on the couch.
In the end, not only did we make the move but in record time. Out, by the middle of June, just in time for a trip to Iowa. And, now I’m back, and ready to get to work.
My new digs are on Main and Broadway. So, I’m now Leslie Kay Productions on Broadway, which is so apropos because I live on Park Avenue. What a hoot!
Me and Honey Bun