Iowa Road Trip
Started with a Great Flight!
Aug. 9, 2022
Smooth Sailing
My summer get-away to Iowa started off really slick. I caught the early flight out of Riverton to make a connecting flight in Denver. Actually, it’s now the only flight out of my Wyoming home town and leaves at the crack of dawn, 5:45. That put me up at 4 to get ready and be at the airport an hour before takeoff. I swore I’d never do that again (get up that early, I mean,) when I retired from broadcast news.
My Radio Days
Back in those days, I’d be up even earlier, 3:45 to be exact, to get to the station by 4:30 to give myself an hour to gather and write the morning news for the 6 o’clock broadcast. And, if I was late going on air, you could bet I’d hear about it and not from my boss, from my listeners. People would call and say I made them late for work because they set their morning routine by me. Yeesh! Until then, I had no idea that was my responsibility.
Denver International Tentscape
Photo Copyright Leslie Kay Productions
Anyway, I made it to the airport on time to take the last seat on the plane, all by myself, way in the back, across from the bathroom, which at this age, is a perk. I then got a little shut-eye to rev up for my connecting flight which usually has me running from one end of the terminal to the other. But, not this time. It was flying out of the same gate I came in on and was right across from a Starbucks. COFFEE! Thank you United!
My Iowa Roots
I didn’t think it could get any better than that, ‘til I learned my seat-mate on my connecting flight was a young mother with child in tow, which of course is perfect for a grandma going to see her grandchildren. And, not only was the young mother delightful. She was enthusiastic and interesting, too. She was excited to be meeting up with her husband and getting to know about their new home state of Iowa. Well, that, of course, was right up my alley, having grown up there. So, I launched into my schpeel about all the wonderful things Iowa has to offer, including good schools, safe-small-town living, beautiful rivers and lakes and gorgeous scenery, especially in the fall, when the colors of the leaves are unparalleled by any other state. I’m a great pitch man. Go -
My New Venture
And, she’s a crafter, like me, who sells crocheted animals and dolls in her online store. I’m giving her a pitch, here. ( Well, that gave us even more to talk about. Needless to say, we spent our flight visiting and sharing trade secrets. We gabbed our way right to the gate where we shared our contact info before saying good luck and farewell – until next time.
Simple Greeting
Boy, that was a nice way to fly – visiting and making a new friend. I must be in back-to-school mode. And, you know, I might have missed it all if I’d done my usual – stick my nose in a book and keep to myself. So, all it took from me was to say a simple “hello” and “let me move over so your son can lie down in your lap.” You just never know what will happen, do you, when you open up and say “hello.” I’m so glad I did.