Work in Progress - Will be adjusting frame so head won’t be cutoff
The Dietrich Look
Video by Leslie Drollinger Stratmoen. Featuring Oakley Boycott.
Property of Leslie Kay Productions. All rights reserved.
The Dietrich Look
Marlene Dietrich was one of the many actresses in the 1930s who embraced the men’s pantsuits, thus set a style for an entire generation. This beautiful vintage tuxedo was gifted to me by a friend and is in excellent condition, probably worn once or twice then packed away only to be brought into the light some 100 years later. I already had the vintage top hat and shoes in my collection. The only newer items, still vintage, are the shirt and tie. The quellazaire (cigarette holder) is on loan from my husband’s collection of tobacconalia.
Photos by Leslie Drollinger Stratmoen featuring Oakley Boycott
All Photos and Videos Copyright Leslie Kay Productions