Women’s Hairdos of 1922
You know, I actually purchased this “Etude” magazine cover jacket at a local antique store because I was costuming a show set in the early 1920s with women of all ages as characters. When I say, jacket, I really mean it. There are no insides. All that’s left of this publication is the front and back cover.
I don’t remember what I paid for it, probably a couple of bucks. Whatever it was, it was worth it, because this is just such a great collection of the “looks” of the day.
I love seeing their hairdos, hats, glasses, jewelry and clothing, their Sunday best, as we used to say. It’s these types of rare pieces that not only help me set the stage for a show but help me date my collectibles. A rare find.
Insets below

I pulled out these particular photos just for fun — one from my home state of Iowa, another from Wyoming where I now reside, one that shows a woman wearing glasses, which is a rare find in pictures, and the other from New York. You might know, she looks the most fashion-forward, with her short cropped hair. And look at that. A simple string of pearls has been in style for-EH-ver!