What’s the Plan?
The New Plan For Getting Things Done
September 28, 2022
Hopefully, if I say this out loud, I’ll stick to the New Plan.
You see, I kept thinking I’d get the most done if I worked at home in the mornings writing and posting then at my studio in the afternoons prepping and staging my exhibit. I thought that plan would keep me on track.
But that’s not what’s happening.
What’s actually been happening for the past couple of weeks is that I’ve been parking myself in the morning in my easy chair with coffee and laptop and not moving until I realize it’s mid-afternoon.
I should've probably expected this, I guess, because that’s what I did in my last career as a broadcast journalist. Park and write for hours. But on the job, I was constantly jumping up to run to another studio for a live broadcast or across the room to grab copy off the printer. Here at home, I don’t have to do that. I don’t even have to get up to let the dog out. My husband’s doing that.
And, once I get going …
I get sucked into the computer vortex of research, writing and posting. I love it. But by the time I come out of my stupor, it’s mid-afternoon and I’m not motivated to get over to my shop. This is not really how I thought this would go. So, that’s why I decided last night I was going to do a flip-flop, of the plan, not the tumbling move. Studio in the morning. Home in the afternoon. That way, I’m forced to come out of the zone to make supper. That’s a treat, right now, because my husband’s harvesting the garden.
Anyway, that’s my New Plan, that I started this morning, And, it feels good. I even walked over to my studio, which isn’t necessarily a big deal being only four blocks away, but I had been driving because I was still taking loads over. But that’s all done now, so I figured there’s no excuse not to walk over, especially since the day was sun-shiny and beautiful.
THE BEGINNING SETUP — Please forgive the naked mannequin. She needs to be cleaned before dressing. And, I’m just now beginning to set the stage, trying to get the trunk and mannequin set up for the 1950s scene. And that’s my new flea market rug I just found, which is perfect. Photo Copyright LKP
And, now as my work day comes to a close,
I can give a big sigh because I got a lot done. At the studio, I moved the 1950s trunk onto the new rug and started getting an idea of what I want that vignette to look like. Then I rearranged the ‘20s set-up and got the recycled pillars from my folks’ house in place for the 1930s scene.
Then finally, I started to rearrange the office. It doesn’t need to be organized, but I like it that way because it’s the first thing I see as I walk in the door. So, I got off to a good start and already know not to expect The Plan to work everyday. I do have other commitments. But at least, for now, I have a plan.
PRELIMINARY STAGING — Again, please forgive the naked mannequin. She, too, needs to be cleaned before dressing. On this one, I just wanted to see if I liked the columns in back of the 1930s set, and I think I can make them work. They just need a little paint and topper, of some sort. I haven’t decided what I want to do, just yet. I’ll correct the weird angle next time. Photo Copyright LKP