I’m Back in the Habit, Again
This time as Mother Abbess in “The Sound of Music.” Showtime is March 3-11 at the Peck Center Theater in Riverton, Wyoming.
Encore: I’m also singing in concert with the community big band at the end of April, on the 28th, also at the Peck theater. Tickets are available by calling the box office at 307-855-2002.
January 23, 2023
By Leslie Drollinger Stratmoen
For Flappers to Fringe
Yes! It’s true. But, don’t panic. I didn’t join a convent. Well, actually, I did, I guess, for a limited run only as Mother Abbess in “The Sound of Music,” like I did many years ago as Sister Mary Amnesia in the musical “Nunsense.”
I’m so excited. Mother Abbess is a part, my sister reminds me, I’ve wanted to play – FOR – EH - VER — because I’d get to sing “Climb Every Mountain.”
But, woah, with that said, I didn’t realized the song is the big showstopper that closes out the first act and reprises to end the show. Wow! And I also get to sing “My Favorite Things” as a duet with Maria and the song “Maria” with my nuns quartet. It’s so fun. Oh, and I also have 100 lines. I counted them. Yeeks!
I can’t wait! The show runs the first two weekends in March. (dates listed above)
And, Encore! Coming up the following month, in April, I’ll be singing in concert with the community big band, two classics: “Blue Skies” and “At Last.” Love, love, love doing that.
Here’s a quick headshot of me before my last concert with the big band, right before COVID shut us down.
It’s just so exciting to be back – performing, that is. That part of me shut down when my son died and I wasn’t sure if I’d ever get it back. Now, three years later, I’m glad that part of me has come alive, again, and I know my son would be, too. He was always routin’ for me, so would be glad I’ve found my way back to what I love – singing.
Oh, oh, oh! And this is so wonderful! My daughter Jen and her girls are flying in to see me as Mother Abbess. So, my backstage little girl, who’s obviously all grown up now, will be there once again, and my granddaughters will get to see their MeMa on the big stage. That just tickles me pink.
Rehearsals Have Begun
The first read-through of the whole show was really fun, I have to say. And, I sure surprised a few of the grown-up kids that only knew me as their costumer or director. They had no idea I could sing, let alone project my voice to the back of the auditorium.
And, this is so cool. Our Capt. Von Trapp is the grown-up man I taught how to sing 15 years ago in the first musical I directed here. He was unsure of auditioning back then because he didn’t read music. But, after hearing him carry a tune I knew I could help him find his voice. I did. Then he took it from there and was great! Now, all these years later, at the read-through for this show, he tells me he was so glad I was there as the musical director that year because he couldn’t have done it without me. Touched my heart.
So, we’re off — to a great start.
Audition Lament – Sound of Music -- 2023
Here’s what I wrote immediately after the singing audition.
Wednesday, January 18, 2023
OK. I did it. I mustered up the courage to try out for a musical. For the Mother Abbess part in “The Sound of Music,” no less, so I could sing “Climb Every Mountain.” I thought I was ready and fully prepared for tryouts last night, but I faltered. And, I’m really mad at myself. I don’t know what came over me. I used to be a clutch player that could nail the high notes whenever needed. But something’s changed. My voice has changed, no surprise really, I suppose, at my age. Regardless, it shook my confidence, a bit.
Oh, cripes, Leslie. Kill the excuses. Just accept it. You bombed the audition.
Yes, I did. My song was simply not as dynamic as it played out in my head. And, here’s the rub. I really want the part. And that’s a revelation that came after a rip-roaring pep talk to self. (sigh)
There’s still hope. The dance audition tonight. I’m pretty confident I can nail it. So what if I can’t do a hitch-kick anymore. I’ve still got a mean side-to-side weave step. What more could I possibly need to play Mother Abbess? Right?
Thursday, January 19, 2023 (the following day)
Wrong. Apparently, Mother Abbess dances in this production. At least that’s the impression I got after attending last night’s dance audition, at the request of the director. I wasn’t expecting to do that. Truth be told, I had a lot of fun, learning a whole waltz routine. I haven’t done that in years. Wait. Decades.
And, I’m sure glad I did. I’m feeling much better, now, about the entire audition, especially after hearing the director’s comment, which came in response to my moan about wanting a do-over.
“Leslie, you had an incredible audition,” he said.
Yikes. That response was unexpected. And, wonderful to hear, you might think.
But on my drive home, my brooding brain took over. Incredibly good? Incredibly bad? Or just incredibly memorable? I did, after all, stop in the middle of my audition to ask the piano player to start over, in a different place, because I wanted the last 18 bars for the soaring high note. Of course, I did. And, I did soar, but not as strong as I thought I would. And, that bummed me out.
At this point, after two nights of try-outs, I’m pretty sure I’m in, judging from the nun comments directed my way. But, you see, I don’t want to be just any nun. I want to be THE nun – the Number 1 nun — the Mother Superior, Mother Abbess.
Of course, I do.
So, now, I wait. For the posting of the cast list.
Meanwhile, I’m heading out to band rehearsal. That gig of singing in concert with the community big band is already booked. My consolation prize? Never. Because, I love doing that, too. But, that’s a no brainer. Singing a couple songs with the big band? Heck, I’m used to singing 45 a night. Three sets. So, the chances of me already knowing the words to the songs are pretty good.
But, yeesh! Getting back to the musical, this waiting is killing me.
Waiting. Waiting. Waiting. To be chosen. Do they like me? Do I fit in? It’s so high school. Ugh!